Base de Referències de l'Especialitat de Dibuix
Màster de Formació del Professorat de Secundària Obligatòria i
Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyament d'Idiomes.

Precarietat de Barcelona
2012 . 2013


Premsa del dia

El País:
El basurero está en el colegio

Con un conflicto sin visos de solución en el corto plazo y tras cinco jornadas consecutivas de paros, la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía ha decidido decretar el cierre “por problemas de insalubridad” del aulario de infantil y de dos clases de primaria en cuatro escuelas.

La Vanguardia:
¿Qué estamos enseñando?

Todo parece estar dentro de la normalidad. El profesor atiende a la pupila en su despacho. Ella sólo se preocupa por su suspenso y él, que no para de recibir llamadas de su mujer durante toda la pieza, persevera en su idea de formación intelectual. “Eres brillante”, le anima. “He hecho todo lo que se me ha pedido”, le contesta Carol. Todo lo que se le ha pedido… pero sigue suspendida. No es suficiente. “Yo no soy tu padre”, sentencia John, provocando la desesperación de la estudiante.

Cites des d'Anglaterra

A future that works is about what happens next. We need to enable ALL young people to see opportunity, not be stifled by austerity. My slogan is "All schools should be art schools". Not very witty perhaps, but to the point.

Bob & Roberta SmithBob and Roberta Smith: Why I'm making an art protest to Michael Gove a The Guardian

I think what annoys people about professional photography is that we all know pretty much anyone can do it, whereas painting (especially non-abstract landscapes) is really very technical and requires a lot of training and hard work.

I have literally hundreds of photographs that look like Richard Billingham's "Hedgerow" and so does everyone else, but they are snaps not art because they haven't been endorsed by the art community, and they haven't been endorsed by the art community because I do not know anyone in the art community. Because anyone can take photographs like this, they require a sort of baptism by the art elite and then that particular photographer is "an artist" and his works are now post-baptism, "art".

My photographs are good. This is because my father was a professional photographer and I had an SLR in my hands when I was five, and knew how top develop my own films when I was still at primary school. I am not a professional, but I know that if I decided to become one I would fail in my bid because it is not about the quality of photographs but the quality of your contacts in the art world, and I simply could not be bothered to kiss all those arses.

greatdivide a Photography: is it art? (Comentari) a The Guardian